Video Still showing a ballet dancer dancing pointe in a white costume on a path in an illuminated park at night. Guido van der Werve, Sammlung Goetz Munich
Sammlung Goetz in Haus der Kunst

Resonance and Silence. Synesthetic aspects of film and video

The third Sammlung Goetz exhibition in the former air-raid shelter of the Haus der Kunst focuses on the fundamental differences between film and video that set these artforms apart from such classic media as painting or sculpture: time and sound.


León Krempel, the curator of Klang und Stille (Resonance and Silence), has selected works from the Sammlung Goetz that range from the strident canine barking of El Gringo to the almost unbearable grinding sound of Sabbath and even visual sequences with no sound at all, such as Ruurlo, Bocurloscheweg, 1910 or Uomoduomo, which nevertheless evoke an inner idea of sound. Resonance and Silence positions our perceptions at a critical distance to the sensory seductiveness of the media. It is only when we are aware that images can evoke sound, and sounds can evoke images, that we are in a position to understand film and video in a fundamental and analytical way. Only then does the artwork emerge from the field of entertainment and contribute to our understanding of reality.

Curated by León Krempel

Klang und Stille. Synästhetische Aspekte von Film und Video.
Sammlung Goetz im Haus der Kunst

112 pages, 114 ill., softcover
2012, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Ostfildern
ISBN 978-3-7757-3288-8
€ 10,00

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