A woman in a red swimsuit lies on her back in a pool
Deutsches Theatermuseum München

Introduction to the second film program

The second film program at the Deutsches Theatermuseum presents a further selection of artists who take up the aesthetic strategies of cinema. Media art from the Sammlung Goetz will be shown that quote cinema classics such as The Swimming Pool (1969) by Jacques Deray or consciously question the cinematic illusion. Using experimental techniques and unconventional narrative forms, the second film program takes viewers on exotic journeys and surreal dream worlds.

With works by Teresa Hubbard / Alexander Birchler, Jesper Just, Annika Larsson, Sven Johne, Yang Fudong and Julian Rosefeldt.

Pietro Tondello (curatorial assistant of the Sammlung Goetz and co-curator of the exhibition) will introduce to the second film program.


Deutsches Theatermuseum München
Galeriestraße 4a
80539 Munich

